Thursday, April 16, 2020

CNCF Sandbox project presentation

Yesterday we had the chance to present our Serverless Workflow specification to the CNCF SIG App-Delivery group. The goal of the presentation was to get buy-in for becoming a CNCF Sandbox project.

Here are the slides to the presentation (PDF). The recording will be available here (meeting date: 2020-4-15).

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Serverless Workflow specification Version 0.1 released!

We are happy to announce the release of the 0.1 Version of the Serverless Workflow specification!
You can find the v0.1 JSON Schema here.

In your Serverless Workflow models you can now set the schemaVersion attribute to "0.1" to specify it conforms to this milestone release. Leaving it blank or not using this attribute states that you your model conforms to the latest shapshot.

So now onward to version 0.2! We are looking for community ideas as to what to add/update/change for this milestone so feel free to open github issues and help us move this specification forward.